Accepted Insurance
With which insurance plans does St. Peter's Health Partners participate?
St. Peter's Health Partners Hospital and Medical Group Accepted Insurances
- Medicaid (New York State)
- Medicare (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS))
- Aetna - St. Peter's Health Partners does not participate with Aetna Medicaid or Essential Plans
- Beacon Network Services, Inc. (see also Univera Healthcare) - only St. Peter's Hospital participates
- Beech Street (MediChoice Network, Inc.) - only St. Peter's Hospital, Samaritan Hospital and Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital participate for hospital services only)
- BlueCross BlueShield Association Blue Card Program
- Capital District Physicians' Health Plan (CDPHP)
- Carelon Behavioral Health - only St. Peter's Hospital and Samaritan Hospital participate
- Choice Care Network (Health Value Management)
- commercial plans only
- only St. Peter's Hospital for hospital services and St. Peter Health Partners Medical Associates participate
- Cigna - plans thru MVP Health Care and/or MultiPlan, Inc.
- CIGNA Behavioral Health, Inc. - only St. Peter's Hospital and Samaritan Hospital participate for hospital services)
- Corporate Care Management - only St. Peter's Hospital participates
- Coventry Health Care Workers Compensation, Inc. (Workers Compensation & Auto) - only St. Peter's Hospital and Samaritan Hospital participate
- Eddy Senior Care (Senior Care Connections, Inc.)
- EmblemHealth Insurance Company (see also HIP Health Insurance Company of New York) - St. Peter's Health Partners only participates for physician services
- EmblemHealth Plan, Inc. (see also Group Health Incorporated)
- Empire Blue Cross (Empire HealthChoice; see also HealthPlus) - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
- St. Peter's Health Partners participates as applicable via the BlueCross BlueShield Association Blue Card Program
- Additionally, Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital, and St. Peter's Health Partners Medical Associates practices that are located in Fulton - Montgomery - Saratoga - Schenectady - Warren – Ulster counties, are fully participating.
- Fidelis Care
- First Health Network - only St. Peter's Hospital and Samaritan Hospital participate
- Galaxy Health Network - only St. Peter's Hospital and Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital participate for hospital services only
- Group Health Incorporated (see also EmblemHealth Plan, Inc.)
- HealthPlus (see also Empire Blue Cross) - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- Highmark Blue Shield of Northeastern New York
- HIP Health Insurance Company of New York (see also EmblemHealth Insurance Company) - St. Peter's Health Partners only participates for physician services
- HIP Health Plan of New York (HIP) - St. Peter's Health Partners does not participate with Child Health Plus
- Humana (Medicare plans only) - No Longer Participating Effective January 1, 2025
- Humana Military (Humana Government Business, Inc.) - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- Magellan Behavioral Health (U.S. IPA Providers, Inc.) - only St. Peter's Hospital participates
- Magna Care Administrative Services, LLC
- Managed Health Network, Inc. - only St. Peter's Hospital participates for hospital services
- Maritain Health, Inc. - only St. Peter's Hospital participates for hospital services
- Martin's Point Health Care, Inc. (US Family Health Plan) - St. Peter's Health Partners does not participate for behavioral health services managed by MaineHealth ACO
- MetraComp, Inc. - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- MultiPlan, Inc. (see also PHCS)
- MVP Health Care
- MyCompass (TriADD New York, LLC)
- St. Peter's Health Partners only participates with dual eligible plans
- New York State Empire Plan
- St. Peter's Health Partners fully participates except for behavioral health services
- St. Peter’s Hospital and Samaritan Hospital participate for behavioral health service managed by Carelon Behavioral Health
- Optum VA Community Care Network (VACCN) - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- Oxford Health Plans (NY), Inc. (see also United Healthcare) - Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital does not participate in Medicare plans
- PHCS (see also MultiPlan, Inc.)
- Trinity Health Plan of New York (formerly MediGold)
- United Behavioral Health - only St. Peter's Hospital and Samaritan Hospital for hospital services participate
- United Healthcare - Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital does not participate in Medicare plans
- Univera Healthcare (see also Beacon Network Services, Inc.) - only St. Peter's Hospital participates
- USA Managed Care Organization - only St. Peter's Hospital participate for hospital services only
- VNA Home Care Options, LLC (Nascentia Health) - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- VNSNY Choice - Trinity Health Anesthesia Group of New York does not participate
- WellCare